OCT 15 1760
JAN 31 1839
Inscription of original stone:
Sacred to the memory of
John Patterson Sr.,
who was born
October 10, 1760
and departed this life
June 31’th, 1839,
aged 79 years.
John Patterson, Sr.
Birth: 10 October 1760, Bucks County, Pennsylvania
Death: 31 January 1839, St. Ferdinand Township, St. Louis County, Missouri
Burial: Cold Water Cemetery, Florissant, St. Louis County, Missouri
Family members buried in Cold Water Cemetery:
Wife 1: Keziah Horneday Patterson
Children: William Patterson, Elisha Patterson, Sanders Patterson, and John Patterson, Jr.
Grandchildren: Joseph Patterson, Keziah Patterson James, Frances Patterson, James Leman Patterson, Lewis P. Patterson, Mary Patterson Harris, John H. Patterson, William Patterson, James McAllister Patterson, Sanders R. Patterson, Keziah Patterson Hume, Lucy Patterson, Elizabeth Patterson Hubbard, Ibby Patterson, Sanders Prior Patterson, Sarah Patterson, Martha Ann Patterson Northern, and Margaret Rebecca Patterson Douglass
Wife 2: Sally Hubbard Patterson, married September 2, 1810, Florissant, St. Louis County, Missouri.
• John Patterson, Sr., brought his family to Missouri from North Carolina in 1797. From the Spanish Governor, he received a land grant in one of the most beautiful and fertile valleys to be found.
• John Patterson Sr., the son of Margaret and John Patterson of Orange County, North Carolina, was an American Revolutionary War veteran. In 1780 he married Keziah Horneday in North Carolina. In May of 1797, they brought with them 10 children under the age of fifteen. After the death of Keziah in 1810, John married Mrs. Sally Hubbard Jamison on 2 September 1810, Florissant, Missouri, who had a family of 10 children. John and Sally became the parents of one child, David. Four of John’s eleven children are buried in Cold Water Cemetery.
• Moved to Orange County, North Carolina, sometime in the late 1760s as a young boy. Married here. Lived in the Hillsborough district. The first four children were born here.
1830 Census: St. Ferdinand Township, St. Louis County, Missouri Series: M19 Roll: 72 Page: 300. Original data: Fifth Census of the United States, 1830. (NARA microfilm publication M19, 201 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Will of John Patterson, Sr.:
Will dated 26 May 1838, witnessed by Frederick Hyatt, John Evans and William Evans probated 5 Feb. 1839 in St. Louis County, Missouri. Copy in possession of Marilyn P. Devaney.
In the name of God, Amen. I, John Patterson, of the Township of St. Ferdinand, County of St. Louis and the State of Missouri, being of perfect health of body, and of sound and disposing mind, memory, and understanding, considering the certainty of death, and uncertain of the time thereof, and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs, and thereby be the better prepared to leave this world when it shall please God to call me home, do therefore make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following; that is to say: First and principally, I commit my soul into the hand of Almighty God, and my body to the earth, to be decently buried at the discretion of my executors herein after named; and after my debts and funeral charges are paid, I devise and bequeath as follows: Some years since I deeded to each of four of my sons, namely, William, Elisha, Saunders, and John Patterson, One Hundred Arpens each of my Home tract of land granted to me by the King of Spain, which deeded tracts we valued then at one dollar per arpen, each of them giving me his note for One Hundred dollars payable on demand. I wish it to be well understood by all whom it may concern that my sole intention was in that transaction, that the said land which I deeded to my said sons, was always intended by me and them, too, as a bequest of part of my estate, and to prevent any unjust advantage to be taken by said sons or their heirs; I, therefore, bequeath to each of them and their heirs and assigns forever, the said tracts of land together with the appurtenances thereunto belonging; and also as a part of my bequest, I will that the said notes be null and void. I will that my said sons and my son, David Patterson, after he receives his portion hereby described in the sequel, shall have no more of my estate unless the balance shall exceed two hundred dollars for each of my daughters: Nelly Ellis, Keziah Hodges, Polly Jamison, Ann Hubbard, Rhoda Lillard, and Lydia Mettz, then the balance shall be divided equally among my sons and daughters of their heirs if deceased. Item: I give and devise to my son David Patterson and his heirs and assigns forever, One Hundred and Twenty Arpens of my said Home Tract: beginning at an Overcup Stump, near Cold Water Creek, and near the mouth of Spring my Branch, thence North fifty-seven degrees, East on the line between John Evans tract and mine to a stone at the Easternmost corner of my said home tract. Thence on my line for a complement. Thence running South fifty-seven degrees West to the said Creek, which will be parallel to the first line. Thence with the Creek to the beginning together with all the appurtenances thereunto. Also, the feather bed that has the white tick on it, two sheets, two counterpanes, two quilts, one coverlet, and under bed and bedstead. Also, the looking glass and clock, and his Mother’s own chest. This portion given to my son David is intended to make him equal to his other brothers and I take into consideration the encumbrance I may be to him the balance of my life. The rest of my property whether real or personal estate I wish to be disposed of by my Executors either publicly or privately as they may think will most redound to the benefit of my estate hereby vesting them with full power to convey the title of the residue of my land, and to conduct the whole so as, if possible, each of my sons and daughters shall have share and share-alike. Let it be understood that the land which I deeded to my sons, I now value at two dollars per arpen; which makes my sons share to be two hundred dollars to each and the legacy devised to David Patterson I value at two hundred dollars. And lastly, I hereby constitute and appoint my sons William, Elisha and David Patterson to be my sole Executors of this my last will and testament, revoking and annulling all former wills by me heretofore made; ratifying and confirming this and none other, to be my last will and testament. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand, affixing my seal this 26th day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand and Eight Hundred and Thirty-Eight.
Signed by John Patterson
Will filed 10 March 1841 by Elisha Patterson and David Patterson Executors. A copy of the will is in possession of Marilyn P. Devaney.
• John Patterson, Sr. remained in Orange County North Carolina until about 1788 when they moved to the Ninety Six District of Pendleton County in western South Carolina. Between 1790 and 1795 John and his wife Keziah lived near Anderson located near the Savannah River in South Carolina and the remaining six of their children were born there. We don’t know where they were between 1788 and 1790. He was willed only his father’s wearing apparel, except one greatcoat, which indicates (since he got no land) that he was not living within reach of his father’s home, at the time of the Will. He came west to take up a Spanish Land Grant west of the Mississippi and settled in St. Louis County sometime after May 1797.
• According to the “History of St. Louis County,” by William Thomas p. 87, “The Patterson Settlement”, The very early settlers of St. Ferdinand Township, aside from the long line of French pioneers, were Richardson, Musick, Hyatt, Hume, Harris, Patterson, Utz, Carter, Evans and other. James Richardson, who became a very large landholder came from Virginia and aided and influenced many American settlers to secure locations. It is said that a thousand arpents of land, of which the Patterson settlement was a part, were given to Mr. Richardson by the Spanish Alcalde in return for a side-saddle which Mr. Richardson had presented to the grandee’s wife. The old plat books show the Patterson road, leaving the city of St. Ferdinand, crossing Cold Water creek near the property formerly of the St. Louis University, running across the common fields a distance of one and three-fifths miles until it reaches the domain of Lucy Patterson. On one side of her was William Patterson, on another Prior Patterson. Survey 105, covering about 350 acres, is credited to John Patterson. In the same settlement were Hiram and Joseph Patterson and Lucy owned a number of other goodly sized parcels of land thereabouts. The Hyatts, the Humes, the Douglases, the Tylers, the Hughes, Evans, Bassetts, and their successors appear to monopolize one side of Cold Water creek, while the Aubuchons, the Chomeaus, Tissons, Antoines, and Montaignes got possession of the other.
Land Grants:
• #105 dated 5 Jan. 1809, a copy of the list from “Land Claims in the Missouri Territory” page 566 Commissioners’ certificates issued in possession of Dan H. Devaney. This was for 600 arpents in the District of St. Louis.
• John Patterson received a grant or concession from Spain for 600 acres on the St. Ferdinand on 16 Nov. 1802 based on a survey made for Juan Paterson in November of 1798. His son, William Patterson, also received a grant from Spain for 600 acres based on a survey made in April of 1798 CENSUS: 1787 North Carolina Census and in the 1790 South Carolina.
Military Service:
• “That he entered the Service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated in the year 1783–that is to say he was drafted to serve a term with the Militia of North Carolina; in the County of Orange; that he served under Capt. — Christmas, who belonged to the North Carolina Militia in which he served about two months, having been drafted for three months & as —he can now recollect, about the last of August or the first of September in the year of 1783 he left home under Capt. Christmas, who belonged to Col. William O’Neil’s Regiment of North Carolina Militia, which was attached to Genl. John Butler’s Division. After being about two weeks out, Col. O’Neil’s Regiment encamped upon the Kaw (?) River in Orange County, North Carolina; & being with about fifteen miles of home, this deponent obtained a permit from his commanding officer, to go home that night and get some new clothes; & got his brother-in-law, James Abbott, who had come to camp to see him, to stay in the place of the despondent fearing his absence, which was only a few days. The day after the deponent left the camp, a battle was fought between the Americans & the Tories, who were principally Scotch Tories, at a place called Lindley’s Mill, in which Col. Littervill of Chatham County, North Carolina was killed; as was also Col. McNeil, the Col. of the Tories. This deponent was not in the battle at Lindley’s Mill because he was absent as above stated. Capt. Christmas was wounded a few days after —home when acting as a spy & returned home. After the battle at Lindley’s Mill, Col. O’Neil ordered the men to furnish them-selves with horses, that their efforts might be more efficient against the Tories, against whom the Militia in that district was directed. This despondent furnished his own horse, saddle, bridle, etc., & set out again from home again the middle of September, as near as he can recollect, under Capt. Schoby & Col. O’Neil who was still under General John Butler. The forces were directed against the Scotch Tories from Cross Creek, Wilmington and who was very bad & who annoyed the inhabitants very much. The time the deponent was out, the Americans under Col. O’Neil and the Tories under Col. Fannin had a battle at Brush Creek, in Chatham County North Carolina, in which the Americans were victorious. This deponent, however, was again absent at his own house, by leave of his commanding officer, & was not in the battle; – the troops having camped within two or three miles of his own house, he obtained leave of absence to go home that night, & return next morning; & soon after this deponent left the Camp that night, as he afterward learned, the troops marched all night & came up with the Tories where they had the battle on Brush Creek. A short time after the Battle of Brush Creek, the news of the Surrendering of Cornwallis came, but the Tories were so bad, & kept such a plundering of the inhabitants of Orange & Chatham, that the troops were not discharged, but kept in the service, until late in the fall of the next year, & after the corn had been gathered, when he was discharged. This deponent has no documentary evidence to substantiate these facts; The precise dates of his history and being discharged from Service, he does not recollect account of the length of time which was lapsed since he was engaged in the Service. Some of the facts in the foregoing declaration this deponent states that he cannot prove by any of the Soldiers who were acquainted with him in the service, because he believes they are mostly or perhaps entirely all dead. He hereby relinquished any claim whatsoever to a pension, or annuity except the present, & declares that his name is not on the pension rolls of the Agency of any State of the United States, or any Territory thereof. /s/ John Patterson Sworn to this Subscribed in Open Court the twenty-fifth day of May 1838. /s/ Henry Chorteau Clerk”
• Revolutionary War soldier. Based on his service, the DAR took over and is operating the Cold Water Cemetery, St. Louis County, Missouri.
• Military record is found in North Carolina records Vol. 17, page 238. As written in “Roster of Continental Lines, by North Carolina, 1783.” John Patterson, private 5th Regiment Colonies Co. date of commission or enlistment 1777. Period of service 2 1/2 years Mustard, 4th Reg. Jan. 1779 for 3 years.” From the abstract of Army Acct. of North Caroline lines. No.709, John Patterson.
• Pension Application in National Archives, Washington, D. C.: Case R 8 005. It is here that his birth date was given as 15 Oct. 1760 in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. A copy of the pension application is in possession of Marilyn P. Devaney.
• In a pension application dated 25 May 1838, John Patterson Senior gave some answers to verbal questions. “I was born in Pennsylvania, & I think in Bucks County, on the fifteenth of October 1760. I lived in Orange County, North Carolina, about thirty miles west of Hillsborough when I was called into the Service, and lived there for three or four years after the Revolutionary War when I removed to South Carolina & settled in Pendleton County, where I resided for about seven years. I then removed to Jefferson County, Kentucky and settled on Goose Creek about nine miles above Louisville where I lived about eighteen months, & from there I removed in May 1797 to that part of Louisiana now known as the State of Missouri, where I have resided ever since.”
• Father’s Will: The Patterson Family History by William B. Putman, Jr. tells that John Patterson (father) wrote his Will on 10 July 1790 while still living in Orange County, North Carolina and it was proved there in May of 1791 after his death. Sons John, James, and William were married and living in the same area as St. Asaph’s in the Hillsborough district of North Carolina. (We think John had moved to South Carolina about 1788) Two of the sons, John and William later went to St. Louis County, Missouri. Late in 1795 or early in 1796, Johns’s family traveled to Goose Creek in the northern part of Kentucky some nine miles above Louisville in Jefferson County. They remained there until May of 1797 when they traveled, probably by the river, to the St. Louis area.
• “A Social History of Scotch Irish” by Carlton Jackson 1993 #325./241 J. The Scotch-Irish pushed across the Susquehanna River and followed the arc of the mountains that acted somewhat as a barrier for further westward expansion but furnished easy access to the valleys, to Virginia, and to the Carolinas. Generally, in their move southward, the Scotch-Irish followed the Great Philadelphia Wagon Road. Starting in Philadelphia, the road went to Lancaster and York and crossed the Potomac River into the Shenandoah Valley at Williams’s Ferry. Then it ran south through Winchester, Stephensburg, Strasburg, and Staunton, crossing the James River at Looney’s Ferry (now Buchanon, West Virginia ), and then swung south to Roanoke. From there it headed east through the Staunton River gap of the Blue Ridge Mountains, then south along the mountains, going across the Blackwater, Pigg, Irwine, and Dan to a terminus at Wachovia, in North Carolina. From here the Scotch-Irish, and, of course, other immigrant groups, spread out even further into South Carolina areas known as the “New Mesopotamia,” between the Yadkin and Catawba Rivers. Off the wagon road at various points were “wilderness trails” going west into Tennessee and Kentucky. The first major clustering of the Scotch-Irish in Virginia was in Augusta County, the principal city of which became Staunton. A decade after the move into Virginia, settlers, predominantly Scotch-Irish, poured into the area between the sandy plains of the east and the Blue Ridge Mountains in the west known as the Carolina piedmont. The primary route for the Scotch-Irish from Pennsylvania to the south was through Winchester and Staunton, In Virginia; Salem and Salisbury, in North Carolina; and Lancaster and Florence, in South Carolina. A secondary route brought settlers from Pennsylvania to Williamsburg, Virginia, through Halifax, North Carolina – the so-called “Chesapeake Route,” or “Trading Path” to what is today the Winston Salem area. In time, the port of Charlestown became almost as important as Philadelphia in receiving Scotch-Irishmen from the Old World.